Thursday, March 29, 2012

Usefulness and Benefits of Oranges / Citrus Fruits

Oranges / Citrus fruit is a fruit that is very popular throughout the world. To get it do not need to wait for the season, because citrus fruits are always there in every season.

Suitable also be healthy snacks, fruit tart and sweet taste is often used as the main ingredient in the recipe every variety of dishes. Even now, oranges juice is often used as part of an unforgettable main menu at breakfast.

Citrus fruit is available in two categories, sweet and sour or bitter. Typically, citrus with a smooth skin texture and a bit heavier have higher water content than the texture of the skin like a sponge and has a lighter weight, known as the fruit with flavors of fresh and nutritious. Beside rich in vitamins and minerals, citrus fruits also contain dietary fiber that are essential for normal body growth and development. With sweet and sour taste, citrus fruits can be consumed in various forms such as juice drinks.

Plants for citrus fruits are now becoming more widespread due to cultivation is not too difficult, it requires only soil fertility levels and adequate water content. Typically, the sweet oranges plants multiply by grafted or grafting, but it could be through the seeds.

The content of compounds in citrus fruits is vitamin C, potassium, and folid acid, may serve to inhibit cancer cells. In addition to fiber, yellow fruit also contains hesperidin which can reduce the risk of heart disease, preventing cholesterol, and lowers blood pressure. In a medium-size oranges / citrus fruit contained 16 grams of carbohydrate contains 70 calories. Carbohydrates are important as a source of energy for the body, especially for our brains.

The value of fiber in a citrus fruit is equivalent to 12 percent of the required per day. Function on the fibers is clearly very important as helping the digestive process. fibers in citrus fruits could help lower blood cholesterol levels and also reduce the risk of heart disease.

Other content in this fruit may affect the activity of the enzyme glutathione S-transferase (GTS), are useful for inhibiting the occurrence of cancer, in collaboration with limonoida compounds such as limonin and nomilin. GTS itself is a major enzyme detoxification system that can neutralize carcinogens.

Women are advised to consume this fruit because the content of lycopene in it can prevent breast cancer. For pregnant women, citrus fruits may reduce the risk of birth defects. As for the kids, the content of flavonoids in it may be immune cells and antibodies are useful for immunity to be not susceptible to flu and colds. Therefore, take frequent drink orange juice to give your child that vitamins are present in citrus fruit can be met. As information, not too often gives instant orange beverage packing boxes or sachets because they contain dyes and preservatives, if too often consumed in the long run will cause cancer cells.

Some of the functions and benefits of other citrus fruits such as:
* Can improve the network of skin cells die so good for the skin.
* If meat is eaten can reduce heartburn, heal gall disease, and hemorrhoids.
* Contain high levels of sugar and vitamin C are high that it can improve the defense in the body, heat treating, and curing canker sores.
* Based on research, consuming citrus fruits every day can reduce the risk of stroke by 19%.
* A source of functional enzyme pectin lowers LDL (bad cholesterol), reduce blood clots and reduce the risk of heart attack.
* If the orange seeds soaked in warm water and drink can be neutralized (poisons) that evil and deadly.
* When put on the dress, orange skin can prevent moth or tunggau (parasite), aroma can neutralize the dirty air. In addition, if retained in the mouth can scent or reduce bad breath odors. When used as a mixture of foods can help the digestive process.
* Juice from citrus fruit peel can be used as wound dressings. Besides the ashes of his skin is a good liniment for leprosy.
* Is a natural source of folic acid reduces the risk of pregnant women who gave birth to a baby with Down syndrome. Folic acid also helps prevent fatal diseases associated with age, such as heart disease and Alzheimer's.
* Orange juice useful to cure bleeding disorders due to hemorrhoids, cure fever, reducing blood acidity, facilitate the formation of urine, and regulate the discharge of bile.
* Sweet orange juice plus a little pepper and salt to be useful to treat gastrointestinal disorders. Meanwhile, the sweet orange juice plus a little salt and honey is nutritious overcome bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis (TBC), and colds.
* Nutritious sweet orange peel softens the skin and repel black spots on the facial features, by way of boiled orange peel to the boil then strain and drink warm water in a glass per day conditions for 3 months.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Apples For Health

One of the fruits of the most popular is the apple, who is not familiar with the fruit of this one? Apple is a kind of fruit that is rich in benefits, because it contains vitamins can aid digestion and prevent disease. Fresh fruit is in fact contain many health benefits for our body. Let's know some health benefits contained in the apple:

- Nutritious
Apples contain quite a bit of soluble fiber (4 grams per apple) and fewer calories (95). This makes the apple as a sweet and healthy snack. plus, an apple is also sufficient to meet your daily fruit requirement. Apples are also a good source of vitamin C (providing 14 percent of daily value).

- Lose weight
Apple finish hunger with fewer calories only contained therein, so do not be surprised if this fruit can be used as part of a healthy diet to help weight loss. In a recent study, the dried apples also help you lose weight. Florida State University researchers considered that the antioxidants and pectin in apples is the main substance that provides a wide range of health benefits.

Protect the lungs and prevent Asthma
Based on research developed from the United Kingdom stated that women regularly consume apples during pregnancy may provide health benefits to the baby.
In addition, eating apples can prevent children from developing asthma when he reached five years. It also can protect our lungs from cancer (from cancer of the mouth, esophagus, colon, breast, ovarian, prostate, and others), lowers the risk of asthma and other diseases. The Italian Advanced Research estimates, those who eat apples regularly can prevent this deadly disease 42 percent.

Heart healthy
Research at Florida State is not the only one that linked the consumption of apples for a healthy heart. Study in Iowa reported that among 34 thousands of women who had been followed for 20 years, the apple was associated with a lower risk of death from coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease.
Then the Finnish researchers studied data collected during the 28 years from 9208 men and women. Discovered, often eating an apple would make a much lower risk of stroke. The experts say that the antioxidant compounds found in apples helps prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidizing and inhibits inflammation. Additionally, soluble fiber in apples is also lower cholesterol levels.

Prevent dementia in the future
Perhaps, because they increase the production of acetylcholine, a chemical that transmits messages between nerve cells, so the content of apples is able to maintain the sharpness of the brain as you age the future, enhance memory, and potentially reduce the chances of getting Alzheimer's disease.

By eating apples regularly, complaints by any disease that affects apples definitely resolved and do not forget to consume water not less than 8 (eight) glasses per day, WHY? to find out more detailed look at The Functions Of Drinkable Water.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Benefits Of Eating Bananas

Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose which works to increase energy. Researchers have proven that just two servings of bananas can provide enough energy to perform strenuous activities for 90 minutes, so no wonder why the banana is the number one fruit consumed famous athletes in the world.

The study found a banana (for all types) can be used as a natural cure the disease as follows:

According to a survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This happens because bananas contain tryptophan, or a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel better.

PMS (PreMenstrual Syndrome)
Forget the pills - eat a banana. Vitamin B6 it contains regulate blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.

High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.Forget the pills - eat a banana. Vitamin B6 it contains regulate blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.

High Blood Pressure
This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium but low in salt, making a perfect way to beat blood pressure, because the result is a very real. In the U.S. Food and Drug Administration allowed the banana plantations to make official claims for the fruit's ability to lower blood pressure and stroke risk.

The brain's ability / intelligence
200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex England) helped during exams by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch. Research shows that fruits with high potassium content helps students to learn and concentrate.

Bananas help to facilitate the activities of digestion, helps overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.

Drunk and Vomiting
One of the quickest ways of curing the "disease" a hangover is a banana milkshake mixed with honey. Bananas give you the peace of the stomach with the help of the honey that build blood sugar levels while treating milk / normalize hydratase.

Heat in the mouth
Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heat in the mouth, try eating a banana for reducing the pain.

Nausea in pregnant women
Efficacy bananas for pregnant women, among others treat nausea. eating bananas between meals helps keep blood sugar levels and prevent nausea. Bananas can also control the emotional state of pregnant women.

Mosquito bites
Rub the affected area with a mosquito bite on the inside of a banana skin will relieve itching and swelling.

Bananas with high levels of Vitamin B that helps calm the nervous system.
Overload of work at the office?
Research at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads people often seek comfort food like chocolate and crisps. Based on a study of 5,000 patients in hospitals, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs, when they stress it will opt for snacking chocolate or chips. In order not to overweight / obesity is a high carbohydrate eating bananas will balance blood sugar levels to cope with the workload stress.

Banana is used as the dietary food digestion in the body because of its soft texture and smoothness. This is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress. Bananas also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

Control the temperature in the body
In many cultures around the world, banana is used as a 'cooling'. fruit that can lower the temperature on the physical and emotional pregnant women. For example in Thailand, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a temperature that is not high.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD):
Bananas can help SAD sufferers because they contain the natural mood enhancer, tryptophan.
Bananas can help people who want to quit smoking. Vitamin B6 and B12 contained therein, along with potassium and magnesium, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

Potassium is a vital mineral which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulate fluid balance in the body. When stressed, your metabolism increases dramatically, thereby reducing our potassium levels. This can be in balance with the help of a high potassium of a banana. Eat bananas while snacking.

According to research in "The New England Journal of Medicine", eating bananas as part of a regular diet can reduce the risk of death from stroke by 40%!
So, a banana is a natural remedy for various diseases. If you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. Bananas are also rich in potassium and is one of the best food with nutritional value. So maybe it's time to change the famous phrase that we say "Eat a banana a day makes you away from the doctor!".

Consuming one to two bananas a day, can meet the daily requirement of folic acid in the body, in two bananas contained 58 micrograms of folic acid, which means a third meets the needs of body folate.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Benefits Of Watermelon For Our Heart

The taste is sweet and contains lots of water not only makes a watermelon as a favorite fruit. Apparently, the fruit with bright red flesh is very beneficial for health.

Based on the results of research that eating watermelon is good for people with hypertension. Because, eat this fruit can help to reduce high blood pressure. High blood pressure can lead to risk of stroke and heart disease.

Researchers in Florida have found that natural compounds in watermelon is citrulline, which helps widen and relax blood vessels, so the heart does not have to work harder to pump blood throughout the body. More citrulline levels found in the skin and can be found in all colors of watermelon. However, the highest type of the ingredient contained in the yellow watermelon.

Another study from the University of Kentucky also showed that watermelon is good in consumption to help maintain weight and cardiovascular health.

Not only that, research in the UK also showed other benefits of watermelon. Using mice that had been given a high cholesterol foods, the researchers then gave the watermelon juice every day. The result, the mice appear healthy even number of bad cholesterol in the blood become lower.

Instead, eating watermelon in a considerable portion. Watermelon eating too much can make you urinate constantly, because watermelon is a diuretic. High sugar content in watermelon should also be a concern.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Success Tips To Stop Being A Smoker

Habit of smoking is very detrimental to health. in fact, active smokers already know and realize that their risk of developing lung cancer, emphysema and heart attack risk in later life due to smoking.
But, if you seriously want to quit smoking, try some of these steps and hopefully can help you to get away from unhealthy habits.

STEP 1: Choose a day to start quitting smoking
Take a calendar and select the appropriate time to prepare for out of the habit of smoking. Nothing was wrong to begin to stop smoking on the day that is considered the level of stress is not too high compared to other days, like the days on weekends. Mark your calendar and begin to commit to do so.

Cleaning up after the commit was important. avoid or get rid of ashtrays, lighters and cigarettes is the first step for the success of smoking cessation.

STEP 2: Prediction situations trigger the desire to smoke
Try to predict the trigger situations that will appear on your first day at the time wanted to quit smoking. There are times when a particular situation can be a strong incentive to return to smoking. Then write in a special notebook that you have provided.

Then look at the first week of the decision to quit smoking. If you can pass the exam on the first seven days, would be a good sign to stop smoking forever. If you find other triggers in the first seven days you quit smoking, immediately wrote the book. Therefore, trigger the desire to smoke again during the day weekdays weekends are usually always different.

If you are having trouble making a list of triggers, then you need 'special observations' on one week prior to the realization of the intention to quit smoking, so you can find out when and why the desire to smoke.

STEP 3: Strategic plan for your trigger situations
Now think of any trigger points. What are your main reasons for smoking? What is it to fill the time? Reduce stress? Makes you more mature? For example, say the trigger is stress at work and cigarettes help calm you. Then find the solution, what can be done to cope with stress other than smoking? You could try a short break from work, consume water, or try to relax by doing light yoga. For each trigger, write down two or three strategies. Then commit to using that strategy when the situation occurs.

STEP 4: Find support from family or close friends
Quitting smoking will be easier when family and close friends helped to pass it your intention. Types of support provided in the form of action to ensure there are no cigarettes lying around the house. Or tell you that the family proud of you for all the work done.

Once you've managed to stop being a smoker on the first day, try to feel the difference.
1. After 20 minutes, blood pressure and pulse return to normal.
2. After 8 hours, increased oxygen in the blood return to normal.
3. After 24 hours, the lungs begin to clean the tar buildup.
4. And after 48 hours, the smell and taste a good start to increase.
5. After 72 hours, breathing easier, bronchial tubes to relax and increase energy.
6. Two to 12 weeks, walking and running much easier. After three to nine months, the lungs have room for oxygen up to 10 percent more.
7. At one year, the risk of heart attack decreases by half. Even after 10 years, the risk of lung cancer was also reduced by 50 percent. And in 15 years, your risk of heart attack as those with non-smokers.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Signs Of Someone Bored With Lover!

A man and woman have a feeling bored and tired with his beloved. If you do not want to lose your love, then you should pay attention and look at some of the habit lately:

* Avoidance
If your lover starts avoiding by reason of busy and more immersed in their own world, this is the most common signs to tell if your lover loses interest in you or not.

* More with his ​​friends
There are times when you are more important to him/her than his friends! If your boyfriend or girlfriend spend more time with his friends at the moment and not spend time with you as it once was, then it is a sign that your lover has lost interest in you.

* Too close to the opposite sex who had met
Sometimes, a man or woman can fall out of love when someone new enters his life and constantly trying to take your position. If your lover too close to his male/female friend, then it can be a sign that he is losing interest in you.

* Lack of intimacy
This is one of the clearest signs to tell if your lover is losing interest to you or not. For example, if you lose interest with your love, then you never get a passion for sex.

Especially for man: Your love began to be dishonest and unfaithful
When he started to ignore and not be honest with you, this is a sign she began to lose respect for yourself. The causes are many, starting with the loss of your leadership as a man, is no longer clear, and no longer attractive or she has another love.

Does your loved one shows signs like this?

If you and lover wants to be romantic and do not know how, here are some guide books to learn more details:

Skin Care For The Hobby Of Swimming

Your hobbies are swimming? This sport is one kind of sport is refreshing and healthy body. However, how to keep skin from becoming dry and itchy?

In addition to adverse effects on the hair, a substance contained chlorine in swimming pools can also make your skin becomes dry and itchy. On a more serious stage, the skin will experience cracking when you scratch it unconscious.

For women, the poor condition of the skin is the most in fear. Not surprisingly, many women do not even want to take risks. They did not choose swimming as her favorite sport. However, if they know how to avoid the adverse effects of chlorine on the skin, you can swim without worrying anymore.

Drinking enough water before swimming judged effective to avoid dehydration as the effects of chlorine are exposed directly on your skin. The amount of water supply in the body can be seen from how the color of your urine. Yellow is the color of normal. Whiter, the better. If more concentrated, meaning you are dehydrated.

Also, quoted from the Swimming, there are a few tips to help avoid chlorine is bad for your skin for a hobby like swimming.

Surface of the skin is the most sensitive. Wash it with clean water after your swim to break down the chlorine attached to your skin effectively. In no time, your skin re-hydrated.

Wash Your Swimsuit
Not only the skin is cleaned, clothes are used for swimming should also be washed so that the chlorine was not attached to the clothing. Using a swimsuit that still contain chlorine can cause skin rash.

Give Special Lotion On The Body
Some parts of the body prone to friction due to extreme movements that are often done when pool shall be applied to a special lotion that can neutralize the chlorine in the skin. If you want to spread throughout the body that is open is also not prohibited. Make sure the lotion does not make you allergic to it.

Here are some lotion for your skin to remain soft and not dry, you can buy it here:

See Pictures of Delicious Foods Can Make the Fat

Recent findings show that just by looking at pictures of good food, it can make you hungry and stimulate the desire to eat. Researchers fear could trigger a delicious food picture obesity problem.

The team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute said the images of food can stimulate the appetite hormone ghrelin, a hormone that controls appetite.

Researchers analyzed a number of volunteers and showed pictures of appetizing foods. Then, the researchers measured their hormone levels and found no difference in the concentration levels of the hormone in the blood, such as ghrelin, leptin, and insulin, which plays a major role in appetite control. However, grehlin levels increased most after seeing a picture of food.

"Our brain processes the visual stimulus and process our perception of physical appetites triggered intentionally," Schussler said Petra, quoted by medicmagic. "

This study is the first study linking food image with increased hunger response that one feels. Previously, some studies have linked only to see or smell the food with an increased appetite.

The emergence of delicious food pictures on television or magazines are considered to be the cause of obesity in society. "So the presentation of delicious food images in the media can contribute to weight gain," added Axel Steiger.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Tips To Lose Weight Fast and Healthy

Most people find losing weight is a very difficult and unsure of what fast diet is best for them. If you want to lose weight quickly, you need to do is keep trying in the process of weight loss. Within a week or two you will feel better and you will diet with more quickly.

Here's how to lose weight quickly and healthy:
1. Do not consume products containing flour in refinasi (white flour)
The most important thing to realize is how much the products that you eat that contain at refinasi flour (white flour). White flour is your enemy in an attempt to lose weight and you have to replace it with a vegetable (green vegetable preferred). Broccoli has lots of protein and other benefits, but do not forget that there are many other green vegetables that are available. This step is one of the fastest ways to lose weight quickly and healthy. However, there are still other tips.

2. Stop consuming products that contain sugar
Simple sugars also is your enemy in losing weight. Also chocolate, candy, cookies, and other very delicious to eat, but can interfere with your diet and make you fatter. Sugar can also make you tired. If you eliminate the consumption of sugar from your diet, you'll be surprised how much effort and time that you can sleep.

3. Eat five times a day in small portions
You should familiarize yourself with it, but eat small portions and often is the best way to lose weight. When you eat vegetables instead of white flour products, and stop eating sugar constantly, you'll feel like eating every 3-4 hours. If you want a quick diet, make sure the protein contained in these foods (like eggs, meat, nuts, etc.) because protein can keep you full until your next meal. If you think that your plate is divided into three, one-third part consists of protein, one third vegetables, and a third complex carbohydrates (sweet potatoes, whole grain rice, etc.).
Consumption of food that looks natural, so it is healthier for you and your diet results will also appear more quickly. It would be better, if you can eat organic food, but it is not mandatory. If you like to eat sweet foods, consumption of blueberries or strawberries or other fruit and mix in yogurt, or you can also mix almonds on top. Yogurt helps your hunger until the next mealtime.

4. Drink plenty of water to help the diet more quickly
You should drink at least three large glasses a day. Beverages containing sugar, coffee, and soda will interfere with your diet. These foods will make your diet fails like cookies, cakes, and candies. Eliminate sugar drinks from your diet and drink water, milk or orange juice. V8 is also good for your body when you hold down the saltiness.

5. Find a sport that you love if you want to lose weight quickly
Sport is means that you move the limbs, so if you do not like sports, you can perform other activities that use the body's organs. You can still quickly when the diet by watching your favorite television show while walking on the spot and lifting your hand while you watch. Sure, you can exercise this way. When the show is over, you will also feel better because it still retains the entertainment while trying to lose weight. It would be better if you go to the gym and workout with the help of aerobic equipment for heart health there. Remember that you can still move at any time and any movement helps you lose weight. By default, you must move your body for 30-60 minutes, 3-5 times a week for the diet of the maximum.

6. Do not give up when you are prohibited from eating sugar and carbohydrates, because the first week is not easy
You should still make sure you do not eat sugar and white flour. If all of a sudden you feel like enjoying it, immediately get your sneakers and walk around the room around the house for 15 minutes. If it was raining, turn on the television and exercise while watching for 15 minutes. As you walk, remember that it is the desire to eat things that make you the current conditions (unhealthy or overweight). Remember that you can become healthier and overcome the desire to eat it, your diet is the key to faster long-term success.

7. Allow yourself to eat delicious food once a week
Does not mean you should eat a bag full of snacks or cookies (white flour products are full), because you will not lose fat if you do so. That means you can enjoy a healthy snack to help you lose weight. For example: Foods that can be a favorite example is yogurt raisins. Do not take a bag full of snacks. Typically, 10-15 pieces of snacks consumed in the morning and evening on the day was quite helpful. On this day, it is important to consume the things you love as a gift your diet for a week, but make sure you do not consume excessive. If you want a snack with a taste like junk food, you can try foods such as white chocolate macadamia nut cookies. Try not to have 2 or 3 days off (only 1 time) and share the story on your peers. Maybe you can ask for help from friends or family to keep reminding you about it in order to be able to diet more quickly.

8. If the above ways still does not work because you can not do it alone, maybe you can hire a personal trainer to lose weight faster
Maybe this can help you quickly when the diet lacked motivation. In the current economic situation, personal trainers are actively looking for work, because it's not hard to find a personal trainer if you are not interested in going to the gym. You can hire a personal trainer for 2-3 times a week, or if you can do it yourself at home then you can hire a personal trainer to help you once a week. Personal trainer can help you to stay on a diet over the phone when you can not stand it anymore to consume foods high in sugar or white flour. Determination and consistency are very important to lose weight quickly and healthy.

If you still do not understand the tips given above, I suggest you to buy a guide book at the nearest bookstore and studied in more detail to get maximum results.

For those of you who do not know where to buy it, I offer the following few guidebooks that have been shown to lose weight fast and healthy with maximum results:
- Anything Goes Diet- Weight Loss Without The Rules Click Here!

- The World's Sexiest Diet - 7 Week Raw Food Weight Loss Diet Click Here!

- Felicity's Gluten Free Diet Handbook Click Here!

- The Alkaline Diet Success Formula - Home Study Course Click Here!

- New Weight Loss Diet - Video Series Click Here!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Functions Of Drinkable Water

The importance of drinkable water, then the suggestion that is given is that we drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, or about two to two and a half liter of water.
Here are some of the functions of water for the body:
1. A healthier body
If sufficient water intake in the body, this can help make the distribution of nutrients throughout the body to be smooth so that all cells in the body can repair itself with these nutrients. Drinking water as recommended will also relieve the kidneys and liver so that it can help you avoid kidney and liver disease.

2. Improving digestion in the body
Drinking water helps removal of toxins from the metabolism of more smoothly. This will help you to avoid the disease in the digestive tract such as stomach ulcers and constipation.

3. Adding natural beauty
If the body is deprived of water it will make the skin look dry and wrinkled, so the water can help keep the skin to remain supple so it looks youthful and naturally beautiful. (Beauty ebooks from a celebrity makeup artist Click Here!)

4. Slenderize
Water to lose weight. Why? because the water contains no calories, fat free, cholesterol free and low sodium. In addition, water helps the body reduce fat deposits.
For those who are dieting, water can become friends that should not be forgotten. By drinking warm water before eating, will help us feel full so that it will reduce your appetite and reduce food portions. Drinking water will not make the fat because the water contains no calories, sugar, and fat. (Customized for fat loss Click Here!)

5. Improve fertility
For those who are planning pregnancy, the water can help increase fertility because it will stimulate the production of the hormone testosterone in men and estrogen in women. (Whole body fertility complete guide to getting pregnant naturally Click Here! )

Shortage of water in the body must be replaced immediately so that we do not become dehydrated. If you are short of water or become dehydrated, so some signs such as headache, fatigue, aches, dark urine, not resistant to sunlight, the dry mouth and eyes that will occur in your body.

However, contrary to some people with certain diseases such as heart failure or renal dysfunction, some doctors advise not to drink too much water. It also must be a physician recommendation.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tips On Facial Skin Tightening

Have facial skin toned and healthy indeed a dream of every person. Various beauty products also have a lot of the market, but do you know that to get the skin fresh, toned and youthful it need not be expensive? This time, health tips will provide a natural herb for toning your face.

For Dry Skin:
Make a mask of a mixture of green coconut water, pure fresh milk, egg white and one tablespoon of honey.

For Oily Skin:
Use a mask of yam mixed with orange juice, fresh water and cucumber water.

Do it regularly to get maximum results. These masks are also useful for those of you who have acne and black spots on the face.

If you want to know the beauty tips more, you can buy a book on beauty care tips from 1001 Nautural Beauty Tips or The Ultimate Collection Of Beauty/Skincare eBooks so you still look beautiful and youthful face.

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