Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Dangers Of Smoking To Health

The dangers of smoking to health - we must know how to quit smoking, because these activities are often done poorly children, adults, old, male and female. Nearly all age groups and genders smoking activities, many of them are not aware of the health effects of smoking, body or may pretend not to know that they continue to perform the activity of smoking.

Having a healthy body would be the desire of every human being. With a healthy body definitely all going to be wonderful. Property is abundant and perfect family can not be enjoyed if we are in a state of pain. Many people do not realize that smoking is one of the bad habits that will cause your body to ache. We are not going to feel the impact of cigarettes today, but the impact it will look when we continue to smoke in the long term for years.

With various studies that the impact of the dangers of smoking to health shows some diseases caused, such as:
The habit of smoking can cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD is a progressive disease that makes it difficult for a person to breathe. There is no cure for this disease and there is no way to heal damage to the lungs as a result of the smoking habit. Many smokers are unaware that they have the disease until it is too late to be addressed.

Carbon monoxide arising from the smoking activity picks up oxygen in the blood that lead to the development of cholesterol and artery wall settles. The impact will increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Smoking can increase the risk of stomach cancer, kidney cancer, and bladder pankreast.

Smoking may increase the risk of impotence and damage sperm quality and testicular cancer causes.

Smoking can accelerate aging and skin tones will appear grayish because smoking can reduce the amount of oxygen in the skin.

Mouth and Teeth
Smoking will also lead to bad breath odor and also teeth will look yellow. Surely it would not ruin the appearance? It also can increase the risk of cancer of the tongue, throat, and lips.

In addition to the dangers of smoking to health, which certainly can threaten our health, and many other dangerous effects. Success Tips To Stop Being Smoker
Try noticed some acute smokers. Every day they smoke as much as 4-5 packs. How much money is spent per day just to meet the needs of those cigarettes??

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Some Habits That Can Reduce Health

Human habits are diverse, but do we realize the habit of many, there are some bad habits could even lose us. Before the final health risks are more serious and got bad habits, get you to change your habits. So what is the habit ..?

Here are some habits that often bring down health:
1. Wearing high heels
In addition to increasing the risk of hip problems, back, wearing high heels even for an hour can cause foot pain, pain, calluses, ingrown nails, sprained ankles, blisters, and bleeding.
Choose heels with a larger surface area (avoid stilettos), and stretch your calf muscles and pull your toes toward your shin, or stand flat and lean forward.

2. Using aromatherapy candles
Scented candles can emit toxins such as soot, benzene and lead. If you burn it, especially in an enclosed area, it could increase the risk of cancer, neurological and behavioral problems, and aggravate allergies and asthma. The aroma also contains acetone, benzyl acetate, benzyl alcohol, linalool, and methylene chloride. When inhaled, these chemicals can cause nausea, central nervous system disorders, irritation of the mouth, throat, eyes skin and lungs, headache, and respiratory failure. So use organic candles such as soy-based. The content of essential oil are burned at a lower temperature, contains no toxic paraffin wax scented candles as standard.

3. Put the towels in the toilet
Every time you flush the toilet, bacteria up into the air and landed on the towel that you normally use, toothbrushes, etc.. So, when you clean your face with a towel, germs will rub off onto your skin.

4. Drinking from a cracked mug
Mug that you like already chipped or cracked? The area can invite bacteria that cause diarrhea and vomiting. Cracks in the ceramic mug is certainly peeling section. If ceramics containing lead and other chemicals, toxins can leach into your drink. Even a crack in the plastic cup can emit trace amounts of toxic plastic.
Although the favorite mug, mugs better if damaged replace it with a new one. Dr. Mui, Dr. Laura Bramley Clinic doctors in Hong Kong, suggested closing the toilet when you are done using it. Sterilize and clean the bathroom sink regularly. Keep towels outside the bathroom. If you put in there, keep the drawer closed.

5. Sleep on a firm mattress
A firm mattress can cause or aggravate back pain. Choosing the right mattress, it can be done in a way to lie down and put your hands back and move around the mattress. If the hand moves too easily, then it might be too hard mattress. However, if the hand struggled to move, then the bed was too soft. Ideally, the hand can be driven with little resistance.

6. Too much to drink
Drinking too much water can cause water intoxication (hyponatremia). Excess water will then be absorbed by the cells of the body, as well as brain cells. Brain swelling due to blood pressure rise. Brain swelling is restrained by the skull, which can cause damage to many places. Nausea, confusion, headache, lethargy and restlessness are common signs of hyponatremia. Severe symptoms include seizures and decreased consciousness, which can lead to coma or even death.

Try to change the bad habits with better habits, and certainly good for your health.

Do you still want to maintain these habits?

Visit Also:
HPV Vaccine Benefits For Protection Young Women
Success Tips To Stop Being A Smoker
Tips To Lose Weight Fast and Healthy

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Some Foods Lowering Sex Drive

You must have often heard about aphrodisiac foods that can arouse sexual desire. But, did you know that there are foods that can actually reduce or even eliminate your sex drive?

If you do not want to decrease your sexual desire, should mengomsumsi foods below do not overdo. The Star says there are eight foods that can lower your sexual desire.

* Licorice
Licorice is a plant that is often used as an ingredient for candy or other sweets. Black cough medicine also use this material as a sweetener. Licorice contains phytoestrogens, which can lower testosterone levels. This hormone is not only found in men but also women that trigger sexual desire.

* Soybean
Soy is very good for your health. However, if consumed too much, it has the same effect as licorice, which can lower testosterone levels.

* Cilantro / coriander leaves
Cilantro can also reduce testosterone levels. The leaves are widely used in cooking Mexico and Vietnam.

* Mint leaves
Often used as an ingredient for sweets or drinks that can eliminate bad breath. Do not eat too much candy mint, because mint can also lower testosterone levels and negatively affect your sexual desire.

* Drink tonic
The main ingredient is quinine tonic drinks, which also lowers testosterone levels.

* Corn flakes
Why was John Harvey Kellogg made ​​cornflake currently quite popular? He is a doctor at a sanatorium, a place to care for patients with chronic lung disease. Kellogg created cornflakes to reduce the patient's sexual desire.

* Sweet and fatty foods
Too much sweet and fatty foods can close the arterial wall. This blocks the blood flow to the genital area, thereby reducing sexual desire.

* Alcohol
Alcoholic beverages are consumed in excess can also reduce sexual desire. After drinking alcohol, people tend to depression and headaches.

If you still want to have a high sex drive, consume healthy food and a healthy lifestyle, and do not forget to exercise.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Citrus is one of most important horticultural industries in NSW with a production area of around 13,000 hectares. The Australian citrus industry is the largest fresh fruit exporter in Australia worth in excess of A$200 million annually. NSW produces around 250,000 tonnes of citrus annually representing 40% of Australian production and 36% of citrus exports. The largest and most important production areas in NSW are in the Riverina and Murray Valley regions, with smaller plantings located around Bourke, Narromine and the Central and North coast regions of NSW.

The main citrus fruits grown in NSW are navel and Valencia oranges, mandarins, lemons, limes and grapefruit.NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) has the largest citrus research and extension team in Australia and plays a leading role in supporting the NSW and Australian citrus industry with its substantial research, extension and information capacity.

Lemon and lime juice, both from the fresh fruit and from juice concentrates, provide more citric acid per liter than ready-to-consume grapefruit juice, ready-to-consume orange juice, and orange juice squeezed from the fruit. Ready-to-consume lemonade formulations and those requiring mixing with water contain ≤6 times the citric acid, on an ounce-for-ounce basis, of lemon and lime juice.

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